Thursday 16 July 2009

Developing A Wealth Mindset

There is a quote I like so much, I first read this quote in 2005, by Mr. Brian Tracy. It goes like this ' All successful people, men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose'. As individuals we all dream and aspire to get to another level in our lives. We all aspire to drive a luxury car, live in a mansion, go on vacation to the Caribbean, and have a beautiful wife and kids. It is good to dream, as dreams often bring hope, for without hope a man is as good as a corpse. However, these good things don’t just come on a silver platter; we have to work hard in order to get them.

When I finished college I dreamed of getting that superb J.O.B and attaining all the desires of my heart. I was full of excitement when I landed my first job, my mind was full of all the good things I could buy with my first pay check….But alas, the excitement began to wan when I later realized i had many responsibilities waiting for me from my immediate family, siblings and my personal upkeep. There was rent to pay, transport fare to get to and from work, utilities, insurance, entertainment, tithing e.t.c. Six months down the line I realized all I had anticipated was not all roses; it was a battle of survival. That dream of owning a nice automobile and staying in a mansion was now like a fairy tale. Money was never enough to do all the things I needed to do. I later realized the painful truth many of us have refused to accept – being an employee is not a passport to earn and live the lifestyle you desire.

You see God created us with different talents and blessings. When he gave us different talents, it was a way of empowering us to live off our talents. Some people are very good speakers, and whenever they speak they draw the attention of their audience, some people are good singers, some are very good at sport. But often times, we abandon our God given talents for our artificial or acquired talents, which we think will give us financial freedom. Unfortunately this does not work at all. The only way to liberate yourself from the enslavement of a J.O.B and march towards financial freedom is to create employment for yourself.

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do, however, the easiest thing to do is to dream big and follow your dreams. As Abraham Lincoln said, don’t ask what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. In other words, this means we have to find ways and means to live and realize our God given potential. Whatever the mind conceives, it can be realized if we are focused and determined to succeed. The best way to start a business is to look at things you are passionate about, things you would do for others and expect no payment. This could be your hobbies, or things you really enjoy doing to help humanity. Money must not be the main motivator when you are thinking of a business to start, money will come later, let your passion drive the desire to serve and provide a service that will bring positivity to mankind.

Remember success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious. Pray for God’s guidance and approval before venturing into any type of business, God is the author and finisher of our faith. He will guide your thought process and allow the hidden treasure in you to come to the fore. I will continue with this article in my next post. To your success!!!

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